Monday, February 16, 2015

21 Day Fix Extreme

Today was day 1 of my 21 day fix extreme challenge. I've been so excited about this. As I've said in previous posts, I needed a change and a challenge. I needed to do something that I previously thought I couldn't.

So here I am, before pressing play. :)
I look so excited, right?!

Here I am 30 minutes later.
A little different, huh?

Here's the thing, I knew I needed a challenge. So I found one. I bought it. I dedicated myself to it. I came up with a meal plan for the week, made sure I have everything I needed for the meal plan, and prepped what I could. I have support and accountability from my groups. I have prepared myself to conquer this. And I will!

Today I pressed play and started with Plyo Extreme. Despite the name, it had a lot more jumps than I expected. By "a lot" more I mean I'm pretty sure almost every move had a jump. But I did it! 
Day 1 down!

I definitely wouldn't recommend this to someone just beginning their fitness journey. But when you need to take things to the next level- this is awesome for that.

If you are looking for a challenge, support, healthier lifestyle- lets talk! I'd love to help you meet your goals. Life is too short and precious to sit around and just wish for it!

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