In this book, Dani Johnson talks about the parable in Matthew twenty five. If you aren't familiar with it, three men were given different amounts of talent. One had five, one had two, and one had one. The man with five and two doubled what they had been given. The man with one hid his, afraid to use the little he had. He was called wicked and slothful. It was expected that even with the little he had for him to grow and make use of it.
This really got me thinking. How often do I feel like I'm "okay" with a gift, but not as good as others, so I don't pursue it?
That's pride. Pride isn't just thinking too highly of yourself, it can also be thinking too lowly of yourself and what God can do through you.
Is that a tough blow to you? It has been to me because I've been using that excuse for quite some time now.
The first think I thing is SO important, and by so, I mean absolutely necessary, it to figure out what your talents and gifts are. Dani Johnson goes through the list of Biblical talents in her book, and I took notes and wrote down what applied to me. If you start going through the list and think "this is kind of, but not something in great at", that's prideful thinking again. If God has given you a little, you're still responsible to use that for His glory.
But, you won't know all that you've been blessed with in a deeper manner unless you study what they are!
Once you know what you are, spend time developing them. Look for opportunities to use them. It doesn't have to be in a formal setting. If you have the gift of encouragement and see that someone is having a rough day, encourage them.
It might be a bit scary to start excercising your gifts. Don't let that fear stop you from doing what God has commanded you to do. He promises to be with you.
Fact the fear. Find what God has blessed you with. He's given you your gifts for a specific reason. Glorify Him with those and trust His promise that He will bless you for being obedient. Let's strive for that "Well done" in the end :)