Friday, March 13, 2015

In defense of food thoughts...

I'm reading my first Michael Pollan book and wondering why he isn't running for president. He is so factual, so knowledable, and has such a gift for being able to communicate things in such a down to earth way.

I'm reading "In Defense of Food" and I'm blown away by how much I'm learning and a little convicted about food in America in general.
Anyways, what I would like to rant about today is the danger of artificial isolated nutrients. 
How often do we see people taking vitamins, supplements, and health shakes? People who make these things take the hypothosized beneficial nutrients isolated and replicates them into a vitamin or powder. Then we drink it in the name of good health. 
The problem with this is that isolated nutrient benefits are a hypothesis. If it were proven, cancer and so many diseases would be a thing of the past because we would all be taking this pill or shake or whatever. 
So what about what science HAS found?  Well, when a nutrient is studied in a food, you also have to take into consideration the food as a whole. They way the other nutrients work together so that food as a whole goes into the body and fuels or doesn't fuel it.

What am I getting it?

We need real foods my friends. Nutrients taken out of context without the other nutrients in food can be a bad thing. 
Consider fruit juice. Fruit has many many benefits. When you juice it, you leave out the fiber and some of the other things within the fruit needed for your boy to metabolize the fruit's sugar. So now your body has gotten some nutrients, no fiber, and sugar your body can't process.

So if you're out there and taking a vitamin or drinking a shake- find out where it came from. If it's dehydrated real fruits and veggies- like shakeology- drink on in peace. If it's nutrients isolated outside of food- pass.

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Are you using all you've got?

I've started reading the book "Spirit Driven Success" by Dani Johnson. Such an awesome book, even if you aren't a business owner.

In this book, Dani Johnson talks about the parable in Matthew twenty five. If you aren't familiar with it, three men were given different amounts of talent. One had five, one had two, and one had one. The man with five and two doubled what they had been given. The man with one hid his, afraid to use the little he had. He was called wicked and slothful. It was expected that even with the little he had for him to grow and make use of it.

This really got me thinking. How often do I feel like I'm "okay" with a gift, but not as good as others, so I don't pursue it?
That's pride. Pride isn't just thinking too highly of yourself, it can also be thinking too lowly of yourself and what God can do through you.
Is that a tough blow to you? It has been to me because I've been using that excuse for quite some time now.

The first think I thing is SO important, and by so, I mean absolutely necessary, it to figure out what your talents and gifts are. Dani Johnson goes through the list of Biblical talents in her book, and I took notes and wrote down what applied to me. If you start going through the list and think "this is kind of, but not something in great at", that's prideful thinking again. If God has given you a little, you're still responsible to use that for His glory.
But, you won't know all that you've been blessed with in a deeper manner unless you study what they are!

Once you know what you are, spend time developing them. Look for opportunities to use them. It doesn't have to be in a formal setting. If you have the gift of encouragement and see that someone is having a rough day, encourage them.
It might be a bit scary to start excercising your gifts. Don't let that fear stop you from doing what God has commanded you to do. He promises to be with you.
Fact the fear. Find what God has blessed you with. He's given you your gifts for a specific reason. Glorify Him with those and trust His promise that He will bless you for being obedient. Let's strive for that "Well done" in the end :)

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Meal prep=deal kept

I made it through the first week of 21 day fix extreme! 

Well, the workouts at least. I'm pretty pleased with that because I honestly thought I was too delicate for an extreme workout. Turns out I can hang with the extreme crowd...with some modifications. :)

Where I definitely fell short was the meal plan. I planned, I bought what I needed, and then I half prepped. I told myself I'd finish the prepping in a day or two. Turns out I am NOT the clean eating version of Betty Crocker, able to cook meals fresh every day, stay on track, and parent an active toddler. I was a tad optimistic about my multitasking skills. By tad, I mean the difference between eating clean/mostly following the meal plan and sticking to the meal plan and conquering it.

I want to end week 2 feeling like I conquered it- which I will because I spent all afternoon prepping for success.

Meal planning is great but meal prepping takes your plan and sets it in action. Life always has a way of surprising you and this helps keep those surprises from getting in the way of your meal plan.

Full disclosure: halfway through, I was over slicing sweet potatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, packing things, measuring things, and then there was THE MESS. But I knew WHY I was doing this. I knew the benefits. I finished, I cleaned up my mess, and it's done for the week!

We ate dinner and because I already cleaned up the main mess of cooking things, I had enough time to have a dance party with Landon. I can enjoy a cup of tea tonight not stressed over the mountain of dishes.
Why aren't we all meal prepping every week?! 
It saves money, makes us less wasteful, keeps us on track of what we want to be fueling our body with, and gives us more time with the ones we love during the week since we don't have to cook for at least an hour or feel guilty about cheating in the name of sacrifice.

So bring it on week 2! Me and my meal prep are waiting for you!

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Turkey Meatballs

Who doesn't love meatballs? They are so versatile. 

I am a big believer in getting kids to help in the kitchen as soon as they are able. It's a great way to bond, teach how to cook, and teach healthy eating habits. This recipe is perfect for that. Between mixing with your hands and rolling into little balls- what a great opportunity to cook a meal with your family that your kids will actually have fun with!

I love everything about these! They are easy to make, healthy, great for freezing, fast, can bring a family together in the kitchen, AND toddler approved! Need I say any more?

Oh, and I didn't even mention that these little gems are 21 day fix and fix extreme approved. That's where I got this recipes.

Anyways, here it goes:
-nonstick cooking spray
-1.5 lbs of raw 93% lean ground turkey breast
-1 tsp sea salt
-1 tsp dry mustard
-1 tsp paprika 
-1 large egg- slightly beaten
-3/4 cup quick cooking rolled oats
-2 cloves of garlic, minced
-2 tbsp tomato sauce- no sugar added

1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F
2. Lightly coat large baking sheet with spray- set aside.
3. Combine all ingredients in a large bowl; mix well by hand.
4. Roll mixture into 30 1 inch meatballs. Place on prepared baking sheet.
5. Bake for 15-20 minutes or until no longer pink in the center.


Monday, February 16, 2015

21 Day Fix Extreme

Today was day 1 of my 21 day fix extreme challenge. I've been so excited about this. As I've said in previous posts, I needed a change and a challenge. I needed to do something that I previously thought I couldn't.

So here I am, before pressing play. :)
I look so excited, right?!

Here I am 30 minutes later.
A little different, huh?

Here's the thing, I knew I needed a challenge. So I found one. I bought it. I dedicated myself to it. I came up with a meal plan for the week, made sure I have everything I needed for the meal plan, and prepped what I could. I have support and accountability from my groups. I have prepared myself to conquer this. And I will!

Today I pressed play and started with Plyo Extreme. Despite the name, it had a lot more jumps than I expected. By "a lot" more I mean I'm pretty sure almost every move had a jump. But I did it! 
Day 1 down!

I definitely wouldn't recommend this to someone just beginning their fitness journey. But when you need to take things to the next level- this is awesome for that.

If you are looking for a challenge, support, healthier lifestyle- lets talk! I'd love to help you meet your goals. Life is too short and precious to sit around and just wish for it!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

May the coffee be with moderation

This morning was one of those mornings. Landon woke me up by sitting on my face earlier than I would have liked. I was tired. Most days every mom wakes up a certain kind of tired.

So we do what smart tired moms do. Nothing makes me more of a morning delight than a delicious cup of hot coffee with just the right amount of creamer.
If you're anything like me, coffee is more of a comfort thing. The smell, the taste, the feel as it flows through your veins...I love it all. But if I'm going to be honest, I am not much more awake than before my delicious cup of crack. Maybe a little...but not much. 
On top of that, having more than a cup causes my stomach to hurt. It's the pain of caffeine, I suppose. Small sacrifice for the love of my cup, right?

Wrong. Which is why at 28 I made an old lady switch to decaf after that first cup. (No offense, grannies) back to my morning.
After reheating it 7 times within a 30 minute period, my cup of joe was gone. My next thought...."I need more."

Now I KNOW that having that second cup is going to make me feel crappy, probably more irritable because who feels crappy and is super sweet, is probably going to be reheated 7 times, and still won't make me feel awake and happy, which is supposed to be why I "need" another cup.

Knowing all of this, off I went to the kitchen for that second cup.
As predicated, while sipping my favorite addiction, my stomach started to hurt.

What was I doing?!
Remember the list of things a second cup would and wouldn't do from earlier? That was still all true.
But I wanted it, thinking that somehow despite all of my other experiences, this time would be different.

How often do we do this with life? It's crazy. 
I know what is going to make me feel better and more energized. It's eating those God given nutrients found in good food. It's using my body to get those endorphins going.
I know this but yet it's so much easier to sit on a couch and sip a second cup of coffee.

Today I put away my second cup of coffee. I reached for my shakeology with 70 whole foods and just the nutrients I needed to get that feeling I wanted. I got my workout in and gave it my all for 30 minutes. 

And you know what? 
My stomach didn't hurt.
I didn't feel like I was dragging.
I didn't have to regret that second cup.
I didn't have that fatty creamer.
But I did get the energy I needed from real foods and nutrients.
And I did get those endorphins flowing with my workout.

The rest of my day has been better because of it. 
Are you living for instant gratification like I was with that second cup of coffee? To the point where you know what you really want, but make excuses to why what you want right now is the "better" choice in the moment?
That's what society has taught us to do. You have to intentionally be different. You have to intentionally be intentional.

I challenge you to do that. If you feel you didn't today, start tonight. In the end, you will be so glad you did.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Personalizing Success

What is your definition of success?
~When you can wake up in the morning and KNOW that you are happy with where you are and what you have . . . then you’ve succeeded.

~Success is when you’re falling asleep with a smile and excited for the next day’s challenge.

~Success is being secure enough in yourself and your surroundings to be yourself and flourish in all you do!

~Success is many different things to me. To be the most successful, I want to be happy, have the freedom to do whatever my heart desires, and have a sense of accomplishment as I check things off my to-do list.

Free Success is that inner feeling of PEACE when you know you have given it 100% and you have made a difference, even if it’s just in one person’s life. It’s not about money, power, fame, or just yourself. It’s about surrounding yourself with positive people and moving forward, only to look back to learn from your mistakes. It’s about falling flat on your face and showing others that it is okay to fail and you can get back up. It’s showing others that it’s not a weakness to take hold of that hand reaching out to you for assistance and guidance. Success is PAYING it forward everyday; we ARE all connected.

For success to be your only option, you must create a definition that grabs you by the heartstrings. Your personal definition of success must motivate you in such a way that you will do whatever it takes to achieve it.
Your success is 100 percent your responsibility, and yours alone. There’s no room for excuses. There is no point in blaming your spouse, your parents, your financial situation, the color of your hair . . . whatever. Many others in far worse situations than your own have succeeded at accomplishing the very same goals you have set for yourself. Excuses are for the weak. Success is your only option and you will take the steps necessary to ensure it!

The first person you’ll need to find is a great coach!  For some of you I am your assigned Beachbody Coach and I help you each day to push yourself further and reach your health and fitness goals.  I can give you every tool that I have to motivate you but at some point it comes down to that internal fire and drive within yourself to succeed.  So in that case, your coach becomes YOURSELF!

Grab a clipboard, some tight polyester shorts, and a whistle. You’ve just been appointed the head coach of the most important team on the planet: yours. You are the person who will coach your team of one to success.
And you need to be a damn good coach, too! So start working on it! You’ll need to stop yourself from using anything but positive, performance-inspiring phrases.
When meeting their fiercest opponents, great coaches deliver fire-filled, awe-inspiring pregame speeches. Their words inspire the smallest player to run right through the biggest opponent. They don’t speak of physical brawn or past defeats; they speak to the heart of the player. The heart of a winner believes that success is the only option.
Can you be that coach?
Can you imagine a coach sitting down with his team and saying, “Hey, guys, I don’t know if you can do this. I’ve seen what you’re up against out there, and it doesn’t look good. Plus, we’re pretty small. We don’t have the right equipment, and our field isn’t as nice as the one they practice on.” That team would lose.

The voice you hear in your head that makes you doubt yourself is the voice that repeats negative phrases. You might think of it as just venting to yourself, but your words pack power.
To be a great coach, you have to believe in the heart of your team. Size and circumstance are irrelevant. You must put an end to self-limiting phrases. Statements like “I can’t handle this,” “I can’t do this,” “I will always be fat,” “I’m under too much stress,” “I’m not good enough,” and “I know I’ll fail” will guarantee derailment.
The words you speak can serve you or hurt you. The cruelest words you’ve ever heard were probably in your own head. Would you speak with such cruelty to a child or to anyone you wanted to succeed? Of course not! The words you use to describe yourself, whether in your own head or spoken to others, can either unleash or limit your own potential. You have a choice. The words you use are habitual. Speaking to yourself like a legendary winning coach is a skill and a habit you can develop.

You’re going to flip the switch on right now. From this moment forward, you will eliminate the habit of speaking to yourself negatively. Yup, you’re going cold turkey on this one!
So coach yourself like you must win. Resolve to do the things you find to be difficult. That’s what confident people do. They tackle those things that are scary and they get addicted to doing it. They set a new goal and they tackle it. They do what others will not, and that gives them confidence. To have confidence is to know that your challenges are not going to kill you. You can do it. You might not be great at it at first, but eventually you’ll get it down. And the more you do it, the better you’ll become.
Think of yourself as if you were already that successful person you want to be. Instead of saying “I’m fat and out of shape,” replace those phrases with what it is you desire: “I’m strong. I’m getting leaner. I’m a fighter. I’m starting this journey and I’m going to complete it.” The key is habitually thinking of yourself as the success that you are becoming.

Success in any area isn’t something that just happens. Becoming successful mandates change. You must learn the habits that will ensure your success. Each of your goals will be achieved because you are committed to forming the habits required and building the foundation that it takes to succeed.  It's funny because I was just sitting with a dear friend and fellow coach yesterday and we were talking about where we want to be in 5 years and how to be successful.  We were talking about how some people just have an easier time than others being successful, or at least it looks that way from the outside.  But it's totally true.  Success comes with hard work and dedication, in your personal life and your career.  I know that in order to achieve my definition of success I am going to have to work really hard everyday.  There will be no down time and I have to have my game face on all the time!  Today I wrote my success definition and I am posting it on my bathroom mirror so that everyday I am faced with the goals in front of me and I will not be defeated!

Some of your worst habits arise from being in a negative or unhealthy environment. “Environment” includes the physical space that you spend the most time in as well as the people with whom you spend your time. Does your environment make your success more attainable or more difficult? Create the environment you need to support your mission.

I don’t know which came first, the chicken or the egg. But about the time that I learned to create a special type of to-do list, every part of my environment started to become more organized. As I organized my priorities and set goals, my car got more organized. As the habit of checking my to-do list several times a day solidified, my closet seemed to get neater. As I began to think with clarity, my environment became decluttered.
The same is happening for you. It’s not by chance—it is purposeful.

Success is your only option.

If you would like help defining your goals in life whether it's health and fitness or personal goals please contact me I'd be glad to help you go in the right direction.
If you feel like you could inspire others to be great then ask me about becoming a Beachbody Coach!

~This article was taken from Chalene Johnson's Push Series!  It is amazing, if you get the chance to do it I totally recommend it!

Friday, February 6, 2015

do you need a challenge?

While waiting on my 21 Day Fix extreme to arrive, I am continuing on my 5th or 6th round of 21 Day Fix. I've done it so many times I've lost count. Now, don't feel bad for me, I LOVE the program. Its what kick started my journey in the right direction to a healthier lifestyle.

But doing these workouts time and time again, I've noticed something. The workouts that used to leave me drenched with sweat and out of breath now leave me a little sweaty and kind of sore after.
That means I've made progress! That's awesome, right?

But those are also signs that I am ready for a new challenge. I've probably been ready for over a month. I was too afraid to push myself harder though, thinking, "I'm not really THAT kind of fit where I can handle that."
Self doubt almost kept me from pushing forward and growing…almost.

Recognizing this, I bought the 21 Day Fix extreme. I may have to use the modifier. I will have to give up my beloved sweet treats for 21 days. But I CAN do it. And I will.
Even if I have to use that modifier every single day for the first round, that's okay. I'm still doing a program thats challenging me and I will get there.

How often do we run away from challenges because we doubt ourselves?
I can never be skinny like that.
I can never be independent like that.
I can never be that kind of mom or friend or wife.
I can never cook like that.

This list can go on and on, you get the point.
When we speak to ourselves like this, we are being our own worst enemy. We aren't being realistic, we are being limited and hateful towards ourselves.

So today, when you find yourself wishing you were healthier, or more organized, more loving, a better listener, more fit. Sit down and make it your goal to become that. 
Welcome the challenge. 
Love yourself enough to know that you CAN achieve those goals and go about conquering them.
You will be so glad you did.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Easy Mexican quinoa recipe

Need a quick healthy recipe that's filling and even caters to those that are vegan and eat a gluten free diet? 

Well, here is a fantastic one.
While making this I was able to take out the trash, sweep, clean up the banana bread my toddler smeared across his high chair and start the dishwasher. Impressive, huh? 

Before I give you the recipe, let me give you a little tip with any canned good. First, check the label. It's not uncommon to find sugar hidden in there, or salt, or something funky you weren't planning on. Second, rinse before using. I always rinse even my diced tomatoes and beans. It gets off the ick and reduces sodium by up to 80%!

Okay....onto the recipe.

1. 1 cup quinoa
2. 1 cup vegetable broth
3. 1 can diced tomatoes
4. 1 cup corn
5. 2 tbsp coconut oil
6. 2 minced garlic cloves 
7. Lime juice from 1 squeezed lime
8. 2 tbsp of cilanto
9. 1 can black beans

1. Heat coconut oil and garlic in pan until coconut oil melts or until fragrant.
2. Add quinoa, corn, tomatoes, black beans, and vegetable broth. Bring to a boil.
3. Once at a boil, lower down to a summer and cover. Set timer for 20 minutes.
4. While waiting for timer, mix lime juice and cilantro in another bowl.
5. Once timer goes off, mix in lime juice with cilantro. 
6. Enjoy :)

always get up

Success isn't defined by how many times we fall, but how many times we get back up.

Between Facebook, Pinterest, and personal development books, how often do we hear things with that undertone?

We hear it so often, so why aren't we living it?
I believe we can become desensitized to words. In this happiness chasing, dream envying world tainted by the everyday obligations and pitfalls of life, we don't appreciate the power of these words. Or we simply allow our mind to focus on other thoughts.

What do you think about when your life hits a bump?
Do you still around mulling in it? Thinking about it, what COULD or SHOULD have been, how awful and unfair it all is?

Whatever you are going through might be very very sad. It might be devastating. Or it could be pure evil and wrong. You may be the victim of unfortunate circumstances where you were completely taken advantage of. You may feel spit out and stomped on by others. Feel those things. Maybe even set a timer. Give yourself a set amount of time to realize what you are feeling and why you are feeling that way. Journal and make sure you are able to articulate it instead of walking around mumbling "I don't know".

Then get up, yell plot twist, and carry on. You are worth more than being defeated. You can turn breakdowns into breakthroughs.

You just have to always get back up.